What do near-death experiences mean, and why do they fascinate us?

What do near-death experiences mean, and why do they fascinate us?
What do near-death experiences mean, and why do they fascinate us?

Unravel the enigma of near-death experiences, a phenomenon that has intrigued humanity for centuries. Delve into the profound implications they hold for our understanding of life, death, and consciousness, and explore why these experiences continue to captivate our collective curiosity.

Bruce Greyson has spent decades talking to people about near-death experiences

His work raises questions about what happens when we die, and how we ought to choose to live.

  • In the 1960s, Greyson was confronted by a patient who claimed to have left her body” while unconscious on a hospital bed, and who later provided an accurate description of events that had taken place “in a different room”.
  • What does that even mean, to leave your body? What do you remember before you die?

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How has Greyson’s research changed his life?

Not much, he says, except that it has made him more accepting of unusual thoughts that aren’t crazy.

  • He remains aware of what it means to be psychotic, but is now more open to the possibility that they aren’t.

I am convinced now, after doing this for 40, 50 years, that there is more to life than just our physical bodies.

Spirituality usually involves a search for something greater than yourself, for meaning and purpose in the universe. Well, I certainly have that.”
