What Exactly Is A Green Home?

What Exactly Is A Green Home?
What Exactly Is A Green Home?

Ever wondered about the concept of a Green Home? It's more than just a buzzword. It's a lifestyle choice, a commitment to sustainability, and a pledge to our planet. Let's delve into the essence of what makes a home truly 'green'.

Climate change is not a hoax

Almost two-thirds of Americans believe that solving the climate crisis should be the top priority of the federal government

  • Earth-shattering, Earth-saving change starts with each of us
  • One of the most impactful changes the average person can make is to address climate issues at home

The Environment: A Shondaland Series

To offset this, some environmentally conscious homeowners are creating “green homes.”

  • Investing in green home construction or modifications is the panacea of environmentally friendly, healthy living.
  • A more sustainable home is healthier and more comfortable for your family, costs less to operate and has a higher resale value, and uses resources more responsibly, working towards a better planet for future generations.

Less is more

When we consume less, we are also lowering our footprint on the planet

  • Buying less clothing, gadgets, and products in our lives can decrease the amount of resources and emissions that come with the manufacturing of every new product
  • Another area to downsize is your personal great outdoors
  • Ditching your lawn and replacing it with native and adaptive perennial flowers will save time, water, energy, and money on not having to mow or irrigate the grass

What is a green home?

Green buildings offer a non-toxic, energy-efficient, small-carbon-footprint place to call home, both in terms of construction and everyday living

  • The goal is to create a living space that provides homeowners clean air and lower energy bills and, more importantly, a home that supports companies, products, and building standards that cause the least harm to our planet.

Green living goals

Everyone has the potential to make a positive impact on the world around them – just take it a step at a time to change small habits.

  • Seek to understand the products you are consuming, how they are affecting your body, and realize that it affects the world in some way.

Big changes ahead

Since 2008, solar panel installation in the U.S. has grown so exponentially that it now generates the equivalent energy to power 12 million homes per year

  • The cost to install solar panels has decreased by almost 50 percent
  • Energy saving in general is a popular idea with Americans
  • Smart thermostats are favored by 77 percent of new homebuyers and save 10-12% of heating energy usage and up to 15% of cooling
  • 60% of Americans support proposals that decrease the use of fossil fuels

Little changes that really add up

You can always decide what aspects of your home can be “green” to make it more budget friendly

  • Try a wide range of options, knowing that some changes will be a better fit
  • Stick with the ones that you can stick with
  • Choose solutions that can be implemented once, even if they take longer upfront
  • Energy Star appliances no longer cost more than non-green alternatives
  • Replace old appliances with more energy-efficient models
  • Install a tankless water heater
  • Installing smart technology to reduce unnecessary energy usage
