What is the main cause of laziness How to overcome

What is the main cause of laziness How to overcome
What is the main cause of laziness How to overcome

The mechanism of laziness begins when our subconscious begins to classify the job or work to be done as unnecessary, resourceful, and time-consuming, even though the person consciously understands the importance and necessity of doing the job. This can be due to several reasons. Without wasting time, let’s explore the main cause of lazyness, and how to overcome laziness.

Peer or friends influences

Laziness can spread like an airborne disease and can harm our future if we don’t get rid of it in time. This is especially true for students and adolescents.

Dependency can major cause of laziness

Living with an everyday need to care and expectation from someone can make a person lose themselves and their abilities

Parental negligence

Some parents fail to properly educate their children, and this leads to laziness among the youth

  • Children who learn without parent force or pressure are more motivated
  • Controlling parents demoralize students who must learn regardless of whether they want to, leaving them feeling like they are being controlled

Make good friends

Obey your parents

  • While they are teaching you, be able to do the job, etc. Pay close attention to them
  • Keep track of what kind of friends your children are with
  • Negative friends have a negative impact and can be dangerous to us

Reward yourself

Treat yourself to well-deserved breaks, a treat, or something special. Even after completing a small task, reward yourself because it will motivate you to achieve your life goals

  • Be kind to yourself and tell yourself, “I am making great progress. It’s not easy, but I am reaching my goal.”

Social media can cause laziness

Spending a lot of time on social media can lead to laziness, especially for teens who use it all day

Bottom line Laziness is a quality of unwillingness to work or make an effort to achieve a goal

It is a dangerous disease that can ruin the future of young and promising teens and young people

  • The only way to overcome laziness is to understand its nature and, in particular, its causes

Laziness can cause due to fear of risk and failures

Most people don’t want to lose something of value if they fail

  • Every useful job requires some sacrifice before the reward can be received
  • If you want to be successful in your life, you have to do something which is better than doing nothing

Lack of Motivation

Lack of motivation can also be a major contributor to laziness.

  • It can be both internal and external
  • Intrinsic motivation: An intrinsic pursuit of your own satisfaction, pleasure, and benefit
  • Extrin intrinsic motivation: an extrinsic incentive aimed at benefiting other people
  • Completing tasks that align with your goals often provides intrinsic motivation
  • Know how you will benefit from the task

Laziness due to fear of responsibility

To bring a given task to a successful conclusion, you need to take responsibility and be ready to give an account of what you are doing.

  • In most cases, many do not want to work because they are afraid to be responsible for the result of a particular operation, and this makes them lazy

Commit yourself to overcome laziness

Tell others about your goals and plan.

Keep expectation limited

Do not have high expectations

Emotion state

You may feel tired, hungry, or stressed, which can cause laziness.

  • Plan ahead and feel overwhelmed if you haven’t planed what you need to do before proceeding with your task
  • Doing boring or challenging tasks will never leave you in the mood, so act!

Action illusions

You can do a lot of things at the same time, but you don’t make progress

Laziness due to addiction to pleasure

Those who like to devote a lot of time to rest and entertainment are usually lazier


Lack of motivation or depression

  • Usually characterized by a lack of motivation and dissatisfaction with the previous task
  • Depressed people do not want to work due to a loss of hope and lack of courage
  • People may see you as lazy if you get depressed frequently

Be willing to learn to overcome laziness

We do not stop learning at any stage, either at school or after school. We must learn from our environment, from the people of society, and from our parents and the people around us.

Make plan to overcome laziness

Prioritize tasks and break them down into smaller parts

Eat good food to stay healthy

Not only good nutrition can play a vital role in our health, but also the feeling of freshness and wellness
