What Stops Employees from Applying for Internal Roles

What Stops Employees from Applying for Internal Roles

With job openings and turnover soaring in the labor market, ****nizations must prioritize retaining the talent they already have. **wever, new research from Gartner shows that only 33% of employees seeking a new role looked internally at their own employer first when they’re looking for a new opportunity.


It can be easier to learn about opportunities at a competitor

Democratize awareness through technology

Create platforms that match people to jobs based on their skills

Open universal access to opportunities

While most ****nizations have goal-setting processes to chart in-role growth, progressive ****nizations work to surface employees’ aspirations beyond their current position or job trajectory.


Even when employees are aware of a job opening, they may not believe they have access to it

Express support for mobility

Managers should normalize conversations with employees about their next role, building discussions of potential career options into goal-setting and performance conversations.


Employees don’t feel supported in pursuing internal roles by their managers, peers, or the ****nization as a w****


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