What to do when you feel stuck

What to do when you feel stuck
What to do when you feel stuck

Feeling stuck can be a daunting experience, often leading to frustration and stagnation. Unravel the complexities of this state, explore practical strategies to overcome it, and discover how to turn these moments into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

You need to deal with the past, in order to be freed from the past

If we don’t take the time to confront our past, we’ll end up paralyzed by our past; unable to move forward

  • Trauma is an emotional response to change or loss
  • The only thing you have time for during trauma is one thing and one thing alone: survival
  • When soldiers return home from war, their trauma begins to resurface because the body has time to process and deal with things it has experienced

The Aftermath

Signs and signals that your body might be stuck

  • Unable to sleep as well as you used to
  • Feel more stress than you’ve felt before
  • Overwhelmed and unable to handle normal rhythms of everyday life
  • Unable to enjoy or look forward to things used to enjoy
  • You feel unmotivated to accomplish the things you need to do
  • Your brain feels foggy or as if it is in a state of “foggy”
  • Feeling paralyzed by feelings of sadness or worry

Getting Unstuck

The first step to getting unstuck is to acknowledge how you feel

  • Affirming what you’ve been through and how it’s impacted your life brings it to the light where it can be healed
  • When you feel stuck, you need the help of trusted friends and community to move you in the direction of healing
  • Express what you’re going through to a friend, and ask for prayer and support
  • Take the next step: connect with a licensed professional counselor to work through your feelings and get to the root of what’s causing you to feel stuck
