What’s Your Productivity Personality?

What’s Your Productivity Personality?
What’s Your Productivity Personality?

All people are unique. We all have our own perspectives and special ways of doing things. So why should productivity be any different? Just because the list-makers and professional organizers dominate the how-to market for productivity doesn’t mean their methods work for all of us. Figuring out which productivity personality you carry will help you tackle to-dos.

Productivity Guru

Structured to the max and want to assume the fetal position if something doesn’t go as planned

  • Takes pride in their organizational skills
  • All people within this personality category should just keep doing what they’re doing and try to be more flexible

The Competitive Spirit

Your work is done best when you have someone else – a competitor – in mind.

  • You also thrive when thinking in terms of numbers and concrete information – like being the objective best blogger amongst your co-workers by having the highest number of site visits.

The Soul Searcher

You seek something more meaningful and fulfilling than completing tasks

  • Seek personal growth through the process of getting work done
  • Keep a journal to reflect on your finished duties and gain perspective on how you can improve
  • No one type of person is better than another -just different

The Excitable Extrovert

You will probably benefit most from working on only one project at once.

  • Your passion should be focused into a single task. You’re most productive when you can give you all your attention to one thing at a time, and commit to a single project.

The People Person

Connecting with others is the force that drives you through life

  • Work is done best with interpersonal bonding and interaction
  • Sharpen your productive edge by telling others what you’re working on
  • Always keep in mind the way someone will benefit from your completed business
