When “Living for the Weekend” Is a Huge Red Flag

When “Living for the Weekend” Is a Huge Red Flag
When “Living for the Weekend” Is a Huge Red Flag

While work will always feel like work, it shouldn’t make you miserable-otherwise you’re getting into Sunday Scary territory. However, begging for the weekend to come can be a sign of a much bigger problem. Here are the signs your weekend obsession is a red flag:

It’s OK if It’s Thursday and It’s Been a Long Week

Not every day at work is going to be sunshine and butterflies

It’s a Problem if It’s Monday and You Haven’t Even Started Your Week Yet

If you’re going into the office expecting all the bad stuff above to happen-and dreading it even before you’ve sat down at your desk on Monday morning-that’s probably a sign you’re in a toxic work environment

It’s a Problem if You Feel Sick When the Weekend Ends

When you find yourself continuously unprepared, anxious, or sick (or even self-medicating) at the end of the weekend, that’s a sign your job may be the problem.

It’s OK if You Live for the Weekend Occasionally

Even the best jobs can be tiring, frustrating, excessively slow, or incredibly hectic.

It’s a Problem if You Expect to Have to Work on Your Weekend

If you go into the end of the week praying your boss doesn’t call you or expect you to come in, or some work conflict doesn’t interrupt your plans, that may be a sign you’re in a role that’s affecting your work-life balance.

  • Maybe your work is doing more damage than you anticipated, and it’s time to find yourself a healthier gig.

It’s a Problem if You Live for the Weekend Constantly

30% of your time is spent at work

  • No matter how great the weekends are, they’ll never be enough to make you happy
  • If you’re always looking to them to lift your spirits, find a job that won’t continue to diminish them

It’s OK if You Feel Refreshed When the Weekend Ends

Most people who are happy-if not satisfied-in their roles make the most of their weekends, enjoy their time off, but then leave them ready to get back to the grind.

  • Sometimes you’ll have weekends that are as stressful as work, but these pauses should be enough to at least somewhat rejuvenate you for the week ahead.
