When You Want To Succeed As Bad As You Want To Breathe, Then You Will Be Successful

When You Want To Succeed As Bad As You Want To Breathe, Then You Will Be Successful
When You Want To Succeed As Bad As You Want To Breathe, Then You Will Be Successful

When You Want to Succeed As Bad As You Want To Breathe, Then You Will Be SuccessfulWhen you want to succeed, you will be successful. But it all comes down to how bad you want it. If you are willing to sacrifice the things others won’t, and work like your life depends on it, you can succeed.

Go From Interested to Committed

When you are committed, you will take full responsibility for your dreams and work towards them with absolute dedication.

  • This is the difference between wishful thinking and taking responsibility. One leads to giving up, and the other leads to achieving your goals.

Extrinsic Motivation

You are extrinsically motivated when you act or accomplish something for external rewards such as fame, money, praise, and grades


All you want is to be successful

“He who has a why can endure any how.”

Frederick Nietzsche

  • Understand your motivation
  • Why do you want to succeed
  • Is it for your family?
  • For your children? Or is it to prove that you’re worth something to yourself? Understanding your WHY will help you reach another level in your life.

Intrinsic Motivation

You want to do something because of an internal desire

  • For example, going for a run every morning because you love the runner’s high and the energy it gives you for the day.
  • Clean your home because you it makes you feel calm and organized
