Where Are You Right Now? The Importance of Living in the Present

Where Are You Right Now? The Importance of Living in the Present
Where Are You Right Now? The Importance of Living in the Present

“The more you are focused on time-past and future-the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” ~Eckhart TolleWhere are you right now?. Where are you at your desk, scrolling through emails, trying to put off the morning’s work?

Are you really there?

We’ve become obsessed with growth as it pertains to results, achievement, and living a respected, successful life. We’ve forgotten how to be here… now.

  • Right now, I am sitting on my couch writing this because I wanted to be in the same room as my wife rather than locked away in my office this morning. I am listening to cello music through one earbud in my right ear.
  • Where are you right now? Really?

Being present to this moment is no different

It takes practice and mistakes, asking for forgiveness, trying it different, and repeating until you have a mild understanding of how to truly serve this person with your life.

  • Five minutes of silence is the best place to start
  • You will find yourself less stressed, more focused, and more productive because you have started being here

Where are you right now?

Kurtis Vanderpool uses his gifts of writing, speaking, and life coaching to help people live HEALTHY, HAPPY, and HELPFUL lives

Where are you right now?

Being present to where you are today is the most important place you can be

  • What good is being more successful, more disciplined, more respected, more affluent, or more traveled if anywhere you go you don’t know how to actually BE THERE? To fully feel? To completely live that experience in that space in time?

Time for more advice.

Everything in life takes learning, practice, and repetition

  • Learning means looking like an idiot to learn the basics, learning a language means making mistakes and sounding like a three-year-old, and learning a foreign language means practicing with people better than you
  • It means repeating “The library is at the center of the city” over and over again.
