’Why Am I Not Rich & Famous?’ the Delusion of Our Times

’Why Am I Not Rich & Famous?’ the Delusion of Our Times
’Why Am I Not Rich & Famous?’ the Delusion of Our Times

There are now companies that offer “affordable” private jets. But the whole experience is exactly the same as going on a “regular” flight: You go to an airport, wait in line to check-in, board the plane with a bunch of strangers, and you fly to your destination

The impact of entertainment on real life

We are no longer driven by values, morals, loyalty, or family, we are driven by what the media emphasizes

  • Our culture cares about winning, and that is the only thing that matters
  • People assume that what they see in movies, tv shows, and social media is real
  • And they try to mimic it

Mistaking fantasy for reality

99% of what you see on TV is fake

  • Vlogs on YouTube are fake
  • Posts on social media are fake
  • A snapshot of someone’s life on Instagram tells you nothing about their actual life
  • Treat these things as pure entertainment, not as inspiration for life

Outcomes are not created equally

Every outcome we expect is delusional from a philosophical perspective.

  • Once we let go of outcomes, we can look inward and focus on the things that truly matter: To become a good person with values, who has character, and is good at what they do.

Copy the behavior of your examples

Kittens learn to do a number two from observing their mother

  • Kids are more susceptible to copying behavior because their critical part of their brain isn’t developed yet
  • They have no reference point of what normal vocabulary or behavior is

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Why am I not rich and famous?”

Someone born after the millennium is often influenced by what happens on their smartphone

  • They copy the behavior of celebrities and social media stars
  • Most ten-year-olds want to be the next Elon Musk or Stephen King
  • When they write a few articles that no one cares about, they get discouraged and quit
  • This is a delusional feeling
