Why Authors Should Be Wary of Self-Publishing Packages, and What to Watch For

Why Authors Should Be Wary of Self-Publishing Packages, and What to Watch For
Why Authors Should Be Wary of Self-Publishing Packages, and What to Watch For

There is a certain economic logic that says that more you buy, the more you save. Value is equated with long lists of benefits, features, services-the longer the list, the greater the value. But not necessarily with modern self-publishing. Here’s why:

Why it’s important to understand self-service self-publishing

There is nothing inherently wrong with paying someone to help you do it yourself

  • Most authors don’t publish frequently enough to keep up with what may be free or cheap to do on their own
  • Without reference points, you can easily be taken advantage of

5 most common ways to be taken advantage of

Distribution – distribution is a far more important consideration for self-publishers than who prints your book.

  • Upsells, come-ons, and throw-in’s
  • Creativity upgrades
  • Publishing a book is an exercise in creativity. There are other creative contributions that must not be minimized or treated as a commodity, notably cover design and editing.

Be an informed author, and buy only what you need

Producing a book should never be confused with selling a book.

  • Shop all marketing offers, research the books from past clients, and ask the company about them. Don’t assume the next level up will pay for itself with additional book sales or a better-looking book.
