Why Men Love Bitches – Sherry Argov

Why Men Love Bitches  – Sherry Argov
Why Men Love Bitches – Sherry Argov

In her book Why Men Love Bitches, Sherry Argov provides an honest and thought-provoking look at how women can use assertiveness and self-confidence to attract love and respect from men. Drawing on her own experiences as well as insights from psychology, she offers advice on how to be a strong, independent woman without sacrificing femininity.

Understand Male Psychology

To attract and keep the attention of the man of your dreams, it’s important to understand male psychology.

Men are attracted to strong, independent women who are confident in themselves and know what they want.

By understanding how men think and feel, you can create a stronger connection with them.

Have Fun!

Don’t forget to have fun! Dating should be enjoyable – it’s an opportunity to explore new things, meet new people and make memories.

So don’t take it too seriously – laugh often, be spontaneous, don’t be afraid to try something new, and just enjoy the present moment!

Be Independent

Learning how to be independent is essential when it comes to being attractive to men – they want someone who is capable of taking care of herself without relying on them too much.

Show that you are capable of making decisions on your own and don’t be afraid to pursue your own interests or goals.

Trust Yourself

Learning how to trust yourself is key when it comes to dating – it’s important to trust your instincts when evaluating potential partners or making decisions about your relationships.

If something doesn’t feel right, listen to that inner voice – it’s there for a reason!

Know Your Worth

Knowing your worth means understanding that you are worthy of love, respect and admiration.

You should never settle for anything less than what you deserve or let others determine your value.

Believe in yourself and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

Be Assertive

Being assertive is essential when it comes to dating and relationships.

You should be honest about your feelings and set boundaries with men so that they know what you expect from them.

This will demonstrate your strength and self-confidence and make you more attractive to men.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally is essential when it comes to attracting love and respect from men.

Eat right, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, practice self-care activities like meditation or yoga, and surround yourself with positive people who support you.

Speak Up!

Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself – express your opinions in conversations with men, even if they differ from theirs.

Speak honestly about how you feel but also listen carefully to their point of view – this will show that you respect them as well as yourself.

Respect Yourself

Having respect for yourself is key when it comes to creating meaningful relationships with men.

You should have high standards for yourself and for any potential partners.

This will help you avoid settling for less than you deserve and ensure that you find someone who truly values you.

Don’t Play Games

Trying to manipulate or control men by playing games is a surefire way to drive them away.

Instead, you should be authentic and open with them about your feelings and intentions.

This will help create trust and foster a deeper connection between the two of you.
