Why most people will remain in mediocrity

Why most people will remain in mediocrity
Why most people will remain in mediocrity

Parent Post

Tim Ferriss

It’s lonely at the top. 99% of people are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for mediocre.

Most people are not

Most people are not willing to fail

If you want to grow into an extraordinary version of yourself, you must be willing to fail — a lot.

Failure brings humility and develops your character. It helps you laugh at your mistakes and not take things so seriously. 

You spend more time

You spend more time being jealous than working on succeeding

Every moment you spend being jealous is a moment wasted.

It doesn’t matter how much faster they’re going.If you keep looking at other lanes, you’re going to crash.

Focus on you. Learn all you can. Experiment, fail, discover what works.

The mediocre majority doesn’t

The mediocre majority doesn’t value learning

Once you prioritize learning, you become aware of the 1% of opportunities that are truly life-changing. ‘

Leave the crowd. Choose learning and self-education instead of entertainment and distraction.

Choose:Success over mediocrity.Learning instead


  • Success over mediocrity.
  • Learning instead of entertainment.
  • Personal growth instead of jealousy.
  • What you want, not what others wants.

Winners act like winners

Winners act like winners before they become a winner

If you actually believe things can happen, your mind will subconsciously find solutions to make them happen.

Most people will never experience the surge of excitement after beginning to truly believe enormous success is possible.

Winners believe they can succeed, and their mind starts working on how to get there.

You seek money and

You seek money and titles, not experience and transformation

The most important goals you should have should be experiential learning and personal transformation.

If you’re always chasing success, it will constantly elude you. 

But if you always prioritize personal transformation and experiences, success will gravitate towards you.
