Why Self-Discipline Will Make You Unstoppable

Why Self-Discipline Will Make You Unstoppable
Why Self-Discipline Will Make You Unstoppable

In sports and life, the ability to accomplish things can attract remarkable opportunities to you. But it all starts with self-discipline. It’s what keeps you focused on your purpose and keeps you on the driving seat. The details and distractions around it dissipate as you zoom in.


Take control back over your own use (and other people’s use) of your time, in order to have an improved chance of achieving your dreams and tapping into your full potential

  • It’s critical to get clear on how your time is saved or lost… used or wasted


Grit is what keeps you going

  • Once you’ve made the decision to achieve a goal, you need to start working on it
  • Kat Driscoll, Team GB Trampolinist
  • Successful achievement, in your life or in athletic performance, is possible
  • It starts with awareness, decision, courage, and grit


True achievement is incubated from a decision to make something better

  • As a result of your desire to make a difference, you can decide now how things are going to change
  • Andrew Triggs Hodge, Team GB Rower
  • What makes the difference is the attitude
  • You have to be dedicated to making a difference


Being brave supports all the other virtues that we see in successful people. Focus, strength, determination – all flow from courage.

  • And if you don’t have courage in times of stress, your focus, your strength, your determination and other virtues can quickly fly out the window.
