Why You Should Write a Letter/ Mail to Your Future Self

Why You Should Write a Letter/ Mail to Your Future Self
Why You Should Write a Letter/ Mail to Your Future Self

Writing a letter to yourself isn’t just a fun exercise for writers; everyone can (and should!) give it a try. The specifics of what you put in your letter are less important than the act of writing the letter. Here are just a few reasons why you should write a letter:

Increase your Level of Gratitude

Include things that you are grateful for in your letter to future self to remember when you were so thankful to be where you are right at this moment

  • Our lives are a journey, and sometimes when we get nearer to our end game goals, we can forget how excited we were to start!

Measure and Achieve Goals

SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based

  • A letter to yourself is the perfect time to spell these out
  • Specific goals should be specific and measurable
  • Attainable is a matter of opinion
  • Time-based goals are time-sensitive and achievable

Write your letter and ask the hard questions

Who are you, and what do you want in life? How are you going to get there? What actions will you do to get you one step closer every day?

  • What is your biggest dream?
  • Explain why those things matter and how you will reclaim them.

Grow Awareness in Yourself

Writing a letter to your future self will help you see yourself in a whole new way

  • Time and perspective will always help us be more self-aware
  • A letter to yourself will give you time to grow and the viewpoint to see your words with new wisdom

Manifest your destiny and create your future

Writing a letter to yourself (3, 5, or ten years into the future) is the perfect way to let your imagination run wild and dream big.

  • Giving these dreams a voice will help your thoughts move from present-day thinking to seeing the full potential.
