Why you’re having a hard time being mindful

Why you’re having a hard time being mindful
Why you’re having a hard time being mindful

Parent Post

Do you think your

Do you think your brain is just too busy to be mindful? Or you just can’t focus? 

Here’s why you’re having a hard time being mindful.

You’re making it bigger

You’re making it bigger than it needs to be

You can notice a wandering mind in the shower or while you’re drinking your coffee. 

Take a deep breath before you hit send or snap at your spouse. 

Remember that no matter how spacey, forgetful, impulsive you’ve been, you can always begin again.

You’re only practicing when

You’re only practicing when you’re upset

Mindfulness can be helpful in difficult moments, our brains have a hard time doing something new when they’re under stress. 

The more you practice paying attention to the present, the easier it’ll be when you’re freaking out.

You don’t understand what

You don’t understand what it is

Mindfulness isn’t about being perfectly present and focused at all times. 

It is about paying attention to the moment with curiosity. It’s about noticing when your mind has wandered and bringing it back to the moment.

You’re trying to do

You’re trying to do it alone

Our brains are wired to think, worry, remember, predict, plan, and regret. 

Support yourself in this practice, with books, lectures, classes, and conversations with like-minded friends.

You’re forgetting to be

You’re forgetting to be curious

Sometimes the details of daily life aren’t all that enjoyable. 

But what if we stopped wishing reality was different and got curious about it? Life would feel a little bit easier.
