Word of The Year & Why It’s Better than New Year Resolutions

Word of The Year & Why It’s Better than New Year Resolutions
Word of The Year & Why It’s Better than New Year Resolutions

Setting your own word of the year is better than new year resolutions, better than visualization boards, and definitely better than reading yet another self-help book. Today let’s talk about the technique that is better. We’ll talk about how to use it throughout the year and how to plan how you will use it.

What is the Word of the Year?

WOY is an alternative to new year resolutions

  • Shows your intention for the upcoming year
  • Can be applied to any area of your life
  • Reminds you of your resolutions and gives you the answer to almost every question throughout the year

My Word of the Year

Committed: shipping the work no matter what, finding help when you can’t do it alone, choosing one thing at a time and mastering it till it becomes a habit

  • Embrace the system over arbitrary body weight goals
  • Focus on the process, not the outcome

Warning! When you think you don’t know

This is just your brain trying to hide. Pick one word. Stick with it. You can always adjust it next year.

How do you choose your own word of the year?

Pay attention to different forms of the same word

  • Imagine all the things you want to achieve or have next year
  • Then, imagine the type of person you need to become in order to achieve your goals
  • Brainstorm
  • Think of people who truly inspire you and represent the ideal version of a business owner
  • What is the common theme between your answers

When you chose your Word of the Year, how do you use it?

You don’t wait for January 1st, or your birthday, or next Monday, you start today.

  • Ask yourself “What is the one 1% improvement I can do today to bring me closer to my WOY?”
  • Adjust your calendar accordingly
  • Say no to activities that take you away from embodying your word
