Work Less, Earn More: Why High Performers Live a Good Life

Work Less, Earn More: Why High Performers Live a Good Life
Work Less, Earn More: Why High Performers Live a Good Life

There are smart choices we can make now to set ourselves up well for later. Choices that improve your life. If you’re willing to look farther, you will make better choices today. You don’t have to spend the rest of your life feeling exhausted from work, waiting for the weekend, and barely making ends meet every month

Aim for being the best

The top performers in any industry always earn the most. That’s obvious.

  • However, being part of the top performers isn’t always obvious. In his book, The Dip, Seth Godin says the reason most people fail is that when things get tough, they quit.

Which opportunity has the biggest payoff?

It’s all about return on investment

  • Ask yourself, “which opportunity can give me the biggest possible return?”
  • Everything requires energy
  • You could perform the same job at a different company and get paid twice as much
  • Optimize your time and money for opportunities that pay off big

Start today

A good life doesn’t come by itself

  • It only comes if we consistently work on creating it
  • If you want to earn more, you don’t need to wait for that perfect moment like when you’re earning X dollars or you’re more comfortable and so forth. You can start today

What being the best really means

Best as in: best for them [target consumers], right now, based on what they believe and what they know.

  • In the world, in: their world, the world they have access to.”
  • It’s important to know your aim, who are you performing for, and for whom?

Weekly wisdom and wealth tips

Wise & Wealthy is a weekly newsletter full of proven ideas to become smarter and wealthier.

Choose your opportunities wisely

Focus too much time and energy on the wrong things, which often leads to failure

  • One of the reasons why startups fail is that they create a product/service the market doesn’t need
  • Many startups end up crashing because of this
