Working With The Law

Working With The Law
Working With The Law

Unravel the intricacies of legal systems and understand how to navigate them effectively. Discover the importance of working within the law, the potential consequences of not doing so, and the benefits of legal compliance in various aspects of life and business.

Life is simple when you understand the processes of nature

Everything in this universe is an expression of spirit, and spirit operates by exact laws.

  • The Law of Rhythm
  • There is always a reaction to every action. Everything is flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward, moving up and down.

The Law of Relativity

Everything in life just “is.” We make a thing big or small, good or bad, close or far, easy or difficult by comparing it to something else.

  • Use this Law to heighten your self-esteem by acknowledging your accomplishment and your infinite potential. You will then become aware of how special you are in the light of truth.

The Law of Polarity

Everything in the universe has its opposite: hot-cold, good-bad, inside-outside

  • You make something negative or positive by how you choose to think about the situation
  • Your thoughts and choices, not your circumstances, will create the life you desire
  • Cause and effect – action and re-action are equal and opposite
  • Gestation – the amount of time it takes for formless energy to manifest into form
  • There is a set incubation or gestation period for every seed

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Everything in the universe is energy

  • Energy is constantly in a state of transmission and change
  • We are responsible for many of our lives’ conditions, and we have the power and free will to change them
  • Vibration – everything ever created is in a constant state of energetic motion
  • Your feelings lead to your actions, and your actions attract the people, things, and experiences you are in harmony with
