You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) – Jeff Goins

You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) –  Jeff Goins
You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) – Jeff Goins

Stop looking for approval from others and just write.

Your Stage

Every writer needs a platform to share their work, and the modern world stage is the internet, with all its glitz and egotistical clutter.

It does not follow that you should only create written content because you are a writer. If you continue to give your audience value, you can also do podcasting or video.

Writing Techniques: Part 2

  • Look for long, complicated sentences that contain a lot of “ands” and “buts”; try to make some of them shorter; then read them again to see if the meaning is clearer.
  • Say what needs to be said or don’t say it at all to avoid tainting your argument with flimsy expressions like “I think” or “in my opinion.”

Writing techniques for impact

  • Every day, the professional arrives prepared to work.
  • Perform a document search for all instances of “that” and “very” and delete as many as possible; these words are rarely used.
  • Reread the article. Remove as many adverbs as you can. These are words that end in -ly (as in ‘typically’).

Honing your platform in three steps

Gaining Experience: It’s best to learn as much as you can from a subject-matter expert before establishing your platform.  

Create the Scene: After you have an idea, create a social media presence. At first, you can do it on the side. 

Creating buzz: Start by joining discussion forums and social media groups and offering support to other writers and artists.

Your Brand’s Name

When naming your company, you must consider two factors: Is this a unique name? Is this a memorable name?  

Do your research. Check to see if the name you’ve chosen is already in use, particularly in your field. Remember that your name must be consistent across all current and future channels.

Noteworthy Ideas: You Are A Writer

  • Start acting as though you already are what you want to be by first believing it.
  • You must first believe what is true about you for yourself before others will.
  • Multitasking is a myth; you can only create or react; you cannot do both. Make an informed decision.
  • A brand is who you are, but it is also your truest self, the part that people remember.

Create your platform

While attempting to distinguish themselves from the countless other aspiring authors, many writers become discouraged. They are making a mistake by waiting for others to find them.

Stop waiting to be chosen. Instead, choose yourself by developing your reader platform and starting your writing career. 

Get clues from your personal work

Take a look at your earlier essays and identify any commonalities. Maybe you are a naturally curious writer who is constantly seeking information, posing questions, and getting back to readers. Perhaps you have a special way of looking at things.

Choosing Your Image

Choose a style that fits your persona and content. It makes no difference whether it’s elegant, authoritative, or goofy. What is important is that you stick with it. Get some professional photographs and use them on all of your platforms. 

The Author’s Voice

  • Your voice is the most important aspect of your writing brand. This includes the tone you use in your books, social media posts, website, interviews, and so on.
  • Most writers are unable to choose their voice. Again, it is critical to maintain a consistent tone of voice. After all, it is your voice that keeps readers coming back to you. 
  • Never attempt to imitate or copy another person’s voice.

The Image

You might believe that an author’s appearance has no bearing on their success as a writer. However, your brand is the sum of many factors, including appearance. These elements combine to form a voice that readers can rely on to deliver the books they enjoy.

You Are A Brand

People frequently relate the term “brand” to a false persona. If they do, it simply means that the brand was a failure. Your brand should be an extension of your personality. It will never fully represent who you are. It does, however, represent how readers will remember you. To keep your brand consistent, you must feel at ease with it.

Your Channels

It’s time to think about how to get people to come to you after you’ve established your platform, designed your brand, and identified your niche. Remember that no matter how relevant and important your writing is, it is your responsibility to connect people to it via channels.

Use digital media to your advantage

Engage your followers on Twitter and Facebook to give them a taste of your brand. Attend conferences and events in your field. Create an email newsletter to keep your subscribers up to date on what’s going on in your field and with you.

Your message

You should ask yourself, “What do I have to share with the world, and what makes me uniquely equipped to deliver this message?” before beginning your writing career. The answers to these questions will help you determine where your readers are, and what medium you can utilize to reach them.
