You are not your depression

You are not your depression
You are not your depression

Parent Post

Depression is referred to

Depression is referred to today as an invisible illness

When you’re depressed, you may find yourself expending precious energy just so you can appear to the world as if nothing at all is troubling you. 

You are exhausting yourself by pretending to be OK. It can be hard to rally support from peers and family who only see how well you seem to be functioning. 

Chronic unhappiness?Don’t consider mindfulness

Chronic unhappiness?

Don’t consider mindfulness a treatment when you’re dealing with acute depression.

See a mental health professional for treatment with antidepressants, cognitive behavior therapy, or both. Mindfulness can bolster those treatments, but not replace them.

Depression is a chameleon Our

Depression is a chameleon 

Our ability to recognize and effectively treat depression is complicated by the fact that it manifests differently in everyone affected. 

Anything—your age, your gender, or the stage of your depression—can change what the illness looks like for you.

Mindfulness and moodVarious treatment

Mindfulness and mood

Various treatment options for depression exist, including drug regimens and talk therapies.  

Complicating treatment is the fact that depression is often a chronic condition that tends to relapse, even with medication and talks therapy. 

According to research, relapse rates range from 50% to as high as 80%.
