You Don’t Have to Be Extraordinary.

You Don’t Have to Be Extraordinary.
You Don’t Have to Be Extraordinary.

Embrace the beauty of being ordinary. It's a liberating perspective that frees you from the shackles of societal expectations. Discover the power of simplicity and the joy of being yourself, without the constant pressure to be extraordinary.

Tying your self-worth to your work puts you in a risky position

The moment you tell yourself, “I will never become the super crazy success I see online,” everything changes

  • You let go. You accept that if you don’t need to become successful – you can at least have fun and do what you love.

What’s Enough?

Aim as high as possible

How much do you need to have “enough” anyway?

Statistics show it’s about $75,000 per year

There Is No Such Thing as Success

Success is whether you got what you wanted all along

  • To do that, you need two things: Understand what you want and build towards it
  • We all want something different
  • You like green, and I like red. Assuming that we all need yellow is stupid

The Real Problem

Social media is the biggest problem – we can’t think for ourselves because there is so much content we consume – that does the thinking for us

  • We see glamorous success and think we need to be there – and feel envy
  • This motivates us to do things we don’t want, and our true desires go unnoticed

Chasing Greatness Kills Creativity

Don’t assume that the project you’re working on will become great. Assume it will be small. By accepting the smallness of things, you have more control over them.

  • You can’t create when there’s so much pressure to be someone
