10 Little Etiquette Rules for Flying on an Airplane

10 Little Etiquette Rules for Flying on an Airplane

Don’t hold up the security line Proper flying etiquette begins before you even board the plane. Here are 50 etiquette rules you should always practice before you get on the plane to ensure you don’t miss your connection to your next flight.1. Have your boarding pass and ID ready as you approach airport security.

Board (and pack) courteously

To maximize room in the overhead compartment for other travelers, place your bag vertically rather than horizontally on the shelf.

Snooze at your own risk

Only lean back in your seat if you absolutely must. Reclining your seat may be more comfortable for you, but it makes a tight space even tighter for the person behind you.

Help your fellow traveler

While you’re loading your carry-on bags into the overhead compartment, offer to hoist a fellow passenger’s up there, too.

Converse with caution

Be mindful of the cues your fellow passenger is giving; if they avoid eye contact, leave them be.

Be willing to swap seats with a family

Offer to switch seats so that a family can sit beside each other.

Avoid bringing smelly food

If you bring food to snack on during the trip, opt for less intrusive goodies like nuts or pretzels.

Disembark calmly

Touching down has the same effect as the old school bell

Respect your (limited) space

Maintaining personal space will go a long way to make a smoother ride for everyone

Keep your personal items, well, personal

Avoid hitting other passengers with your bag as you walk down the aisles by keeping it in front of you and close to your body.


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