3 Common Fallacies About Creativity

3 Common Fallacies About Creativity

Why do organizations have so much trouble enabling employee creativity? The answer lies in subtle and deeply ingrained behaviors that prevent companies from creating a creative culture. Managers make three common mistakes that prohibit new ideas and suppress suggestions that don’t align with their own. The authors identify three misconceptions that managers must overcome to effectively build creative cultures.

The Productivity Illusion

The Intelligence Illusion

The Brainstorming Illusion

When you ask people to describe an ideal brainstorming session, the most common elements you hear are people getting together, an energetic and exciting mood, and lots of ideas flying across the room. Simply put, most teams associate successful ideation with group work. Surprisingly, that’s not true.

Because of the social effects, group brainstorming feels more productive. The social connection we experience with each other during brainstorming makes us happier, and we confuse that with productivity. In practice, nominal brainstorming consistently outperforms traditional group brainstorming.


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