5 Practices to Make Your Hybrid Workplace Inclusive

5 Practices to Make Your Hybrid Workplace Inclusive

As pandemic restrictions ease, it’s clear that one big change to the way we work is here to stay: hybrid working. However, these environments run the risk of creating new inequities and exacerbating those that already exist. For employers to ensure fairness, maximize performance, and maintain cultural cohesion, they need to consider five practical dimensions of inclusion when designing hybrid policies and navigating new ways of working.

Benefits of Remote Onboarding

Reduces cost of entry for graduates from lower socioeconomic backgrounds

Team Cohesion

In times of economic uncertainty, employees are more likely to form in-groups, usually along some dimension of similarity


Proximity to managers has been shown to increase promotion rates when men report to other men

Working Together

Physical distance can lead to psychological distance

Resolving Conflict

Fostering an environment where all voices are heard requires increasing psychological safety so that your people feel they can speak up when there’s interpersonal conflict.


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