If you’ve got loose change jangling in your pockets, this article is for you. Here are seven ideas to help you get your short story in front of readers.Short stories are the loose change in the treasury of fiction.” Those are the words of one J.G. Ballard, a guy who knew a lot about short stories.

Submit It to a Short Fiction Market

Although there are fewer of these around than there used to be, there are still many magazines and websites on the internet dedicated to short fiction. Start by sending your story to them!

Use It as a Reader Magnet

A reader magnet is a free piece of content a writer gives to a reader in exchange for the reader’s email address.

Submit It to an Anthology

Anthologies are collections featuring work from several writers, often unified by theme. They’re great for padding your publications and discovering new readers.

Publish Your Short Story to Your Website

You can give stories away for free on your website.

Create a short story collection of your own

Packaged oldies like I did, or write new ones for the collection based on your theme.

Create a Kindle Single

Even if you don’t have a full-length book, you can still publish it to Amazon.

Submit It to a Contest

If you can put that winning tagline in your bio, you’ve got instant credibility


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