How to take control of your mental habits

How to take control of your mental habits

Mel Robbins talks about the power of mindset and how it can shape every aspect of your life. Mel Robbins discusses the neuroscience behind mindset and provides practical strategies for training your mind to work for you, leading to greater happiness, success, and fulfillment.

The critical role of mindset

Mindset plays a pivotal role in determining happiness, success, relationships, and fulfillment.

It shapes perceptions, influences actions, and can either limit or expand potential.

Therefore, having the right mindset is crucial for personal and professional growth.

The power of reprogramming mindset

Reprogramming your mindset can lead to immediate changes and create momentum.

By intentionally shifting your perspective and focusing on what you want to achieve, you can reprogram your brain’s filter, known as the reticular activating system (RAS), to help you reach your goals.

Mindset and action

Mindset is a key determinant of action.

It triggers whether or not you take action or remain inactive.

By changing your mindset, you can enhance your ability to face and overcome challenges, opening up new opportunities.

Noticing all the amazing things that are going on around you isn’t it interesting when I describe this negative pessimistic person you know exactly who I’m talking about. – Mel Robbins

A positive mindset is not going to change the reality of what is going on around you. Here’s what it does – it empowers you to face it, to deal with it, and to survive it. – Mel Robbins

The transformative power of gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool to shift your mindset and focus on the positive aspects of life.

Regularly practicing gratitude can train your mind and the RAS to focus on the positive, thereby amplifying your successes.

Your mindset triggers whether or not you take action or you don’t take action at all. – Mel Robbins

Understanding the reticular activating system (RAS)

The RAS is a filter in your mind that determines what information it allows into your conscious mind.

By intentionally programming your RAS, you can change what you focus on and thereby take control of your mental habits.

The fact that you suddenly see those things everywhere is proof that your brain wiring is changing in real time and your mind is trying to help you. – Mel Robbins

The interconnection of mindset and the brain’s filter

Your mindset and the filter in your brain, the RAS, are interconnected.

Your mindset shapes your thoughts and energy, and the filter responds to them.

Changing your mindset can therefore change the way you perceive the world and the actions you take.

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