Leaving the cult of entrepreneurship: Intrapreneurs are the true drivers of innovation.

Leaving the cult of entrepreneurship: Intrapreneurs are the true drivers of innovation.

Entrepreneurship, once hailed as the ultimate innovation engine, is being reevaluated. The spotlight is shifting towards intrapreneurs, the unsung heroes within organizations, who are now recognized as the real catalysts for groundbreaking change and progress.

We are obsessed with the icon of the entrepreneur

In the U.S., Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Jack Dorsey have been deified alongside the likes of generals and Jesus

Intrapreneurial slack at Kodak

Tradeoffs: intrapreneurs may have to sacrifice their off hours to work on pet projects or put their reputation on the line within the organization.

Fostering intrapreneurs in house

Today’s employees seek prosocial, meaningful, and innovative careers with a sense of autonomy

Intrapreneurs and the entrepreneurial spirit

The word intrapreneur was coined in the late 70s to describe employees who act like an entrepreneur within an established organization

Big Think+

Why Entrepreneurial Side Ventures Benefit Employees and Their Employers

Pushing the boundaries

Ken Kutaragi, the father of the Sony PlayStation and the CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, represents a single link in a chain of intrapreneurs that built the modern video games industry


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