Unveiling the art of negotiation, we delve into the realm of leadership. The ability to negotiate is not just a skill, but a necessity for those at the helm. Discover how real leaders use negotiation to drive success and inspire their teams.

Practice interest-based leadership

Appeal to their interests, communicate with them effectively, and sell your vision-all of which are part of effective negotiation.

Negotiate a vision for the organization

Don’t send a detailed memorandum to the board, instead, personally visit each director to explain the acquisition’s importance.

The process of articulating a vision is one of negotiation

A leader negotiates support from followers by appealing to their interests, communicating with each of them in the right voice and medium, and forging a single compelling vision that all can get behind

Leaders’ failure to comprehend fully the interests of those they lead can have disastrous results

In 1985, Joseph Foran established Dallas-based Matador Petroleum Corp. to find and develop oil and gas deposits in the American Southwest

Find the right leadership voice

Effective leaders need to know people as individuals to truly understand their interests


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