Six Ways to Grow Social Connections on the Job

Six Ways to Grow Social Connections on the Job

A new book by psychologist Melanie Katzman, Connect First: 52 Simple Ways to Ignite Success, Meaning, and Joy at Work, offers numerous ideas for infusing more positive energy into our workplaces. Here are just a small sample of Katzman’s ideas for creating strong relationships and a happier, more productive workplace


Smiling has social significance, helping to grease the wheels of connection. People who smile are considered more likable and competent.

Tell stories

Stories stimulate oxytocin, the neurochemical that motivates cooperation.

Admit to mistakes

Being able to let people know when you’ve made a mistake can change the dynamic of social situations.

Respond promptly

Not responding leaves coworkers feeling as if you don’t care about them or their work, and wastes time as they try to figure out what to do with your silence

Create shared rituals

Building opportunities for shared ritual in the workplace-in small and large ways-can be good for morale and organizational health.


We’d connect better and show more empathy if we focused on asking people questions and listening carefully to their answers


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