Talent Mobility: Why You Should Let Your Top Performers Move Around The Company

Talent Mobility: Why You Should Let Your Top Performers Move Around The Company

Golden handcuffs are the state of being so skilled and well-compensated at your work that you’re stuck-the company needs you, so they’ll do and pay whatever it takes to get you to stay. That’s not just boring and unfulfilling for workers-it holds them back from achieving their goals.

What Is Talent Mobility?

Making it easy and encouraged for people (especially high-performing ones) to move around your company.

Can Moving Sideways Help You Move Up?

Lateral career moves offer the challenge of applying your skills to a different part of your organization or a new industry

Mobility Now

Letting people move around your company creates agility, and that’s essential to thrive in today’s fast-paced business world.

Go Forth And Be Mobile

As the business world has become more complex, competitive, and data-driven, smart management has increasingly become about giving power and autonomy back to a company’s people.

Start With Managers

Despite (usually) good intentions, managers are the greatest barrier to cultures of mobility

What Is an Agile Organization?

Using Trello to Transform Your Organization’s Workflows

Promote Transparency

Bring all your opportunities for internal job-hopping, recruiting, and promotions right out into the open

Leverage data

There’s a reason businesses of yesteryear were run in these restrictive silos-because it’s much, much, simpler to operate that way.


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