The 10 Golden Rules of Effective Management

The 10 Golden Rules of Effective Management

There’s no “right” management style, as each employee and company is going to have an individual perspective. However, there are some universally “wrong” ways to manage. Avoid them by following these 10 “golden” rules of effective management:Effective management is about more than just driving employees to work harder

Be consistent

Reward behaviors the same as they appear and discourage behaviors when they appear.

Listen and ask questions

If someone doesn’t agree with your management style or doesn’t like the direction of the company, don’t silence them – open dialogue makes it easier to proactively identify problems and work together to create a mutually beneficial environment

Focus on clarity, accuracy and thoroughness in communication

How you communicate to your team can dictate your eventual success

Encourage all opinions and ideas

The more people you have actively participating in discussions and attempting to make improvements to the organization, the better.

Set the goal of working as a team

Have team members work for something together

Help people enjoy work

You don’t need a pool table or dress code to make work fun.

Publicly reward and recognize hard work

When a member of your team does something exceptional, reward them/her – with a bonus, a small trophy or even just a vocal recognition.

Be the example

Strive to be your own ideal of the perfect worker


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