The five purposes of listening

The five purposes of listening

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The most neglected work

The most neglected work of leadership is listening. 

The reason? It’s hard work.

If leadership is about others, listening is about leadership.

HumilityListen to humble yourself.


Listen to humble yourself. When arrogance talks, humility listens.

You must humble yourself. One way to practice humility is to let others speak their mind.

Listening elevates others.

Clarity You should listen to


You should listen to help others find clarity.

Provide the opportunity for people to hear their own voice. Those who hear their own voice learn what they really think.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Here are 4 reasons

Here are 4 reasons you hate to listen.

Effectiveness Listen to act effectively.


Listen to act effectively. It’s a waste of energy to solve the wrong problem.

So listen in order to do the right stuff.  


Listen to ask a question. Unless you listen properly you won’t be able to judge the entire scenario and ask proper questions.

Here are the 5

Here are the 5 purposes of listening.


Listen to let others know they matter. People who feel they matter courageously work to make a difference. Ask yourself:

You infuse value into others when you attend to their words.


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