Top 8 strategies to get new graphic design clients

Top 8 strategies to get new graphic design clients

Getting new freelance graphic design jobs can be intimidating even for the most experienced professionals. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think. There are plenty of ways that you can increase your chances of winning more freelance clients-from how you approach sending proposals to essential relationship-building tactics

Be clear on your value

When you can clearly communicate the value you provide, you’ll have a better chance of winning more freelance clients

Don’t underestimate the power of a follow-up

Follow-ups show people that you value working with them and that you’re eager to continue the relationship.

Ask for recommendations

If you have happy clients, ask them for referrals or recommendations. Let them know that you’re always open to talking to new clients and appreciate their referrals.

Network, network, network

Approach networking from the position of building mutually beneficial relationships

Make sure your portfolio is the best it can be

Add new projects regularly

Use social proof

Display testimonials on your website or portfolio. Share them on social media.

How to start winning more freelance graphic design jobs

Winning clients is all about building trust in the relationship

Create valuable content

Write blog posts, create templates or UI assets, or otherwise provide valuable content that will appeal to your potential clients

Update your online presence

If a potential client visits your Instagram or other social media profile and there are no posts in the past six months, they may assume you’re no longer working as a designer.


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