Use these phrases to sound more emotionally intelligent

Use these phrases to sound more emotionally intelligent

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Exhibiting emotional intelligence is

Exhibiting emotional intelligence is more important than ever in the workplace. It is the ability to perceive, evaluate, interpret, and manage emotions — both your own and those of others — and use those insights to drive positive action. 

This can improve everything from communication and personal relationships to effectiveness and job satisfaction. Here are some key phrases that are used by emotionally intelligent leaders.

“I have a different

“I have a different perspective”

Emotional intelligence means neither creating unnecessary drama nor shying away from differences of opinion in the workplace. 

If your thoughts don’t mesh with your co-workers, rather than remaining silent, flatly saying “I don’t agree” or leading with a cloying, “With all due respect,” say, “I have a different perspective.” It opens the door to respectful disagreement and dialogue.

“I’m sorry”The ability to

“I’m sorry”

The ability to apologise is a hallmark trait of emotional intelligence. Recognising mistakes and taking responsibility are the foundational elements of productive personal relationship-building. 

Reserve, “I’m sorry” for instances when you cause personal hurt, embarrassment, or a breach of trust; it should not be tossed around every time you’re late or have a question.

“Thanks for (your) understanding”Many

“Thanks for (your) understanding”

Many of us have a tendency to over-apologise for everything from our appearance and feelings, to being confused or delayed by extenuating circumstances. 

Thanking someone else for their understanding shifts the focus onto what they’re experiencing. Substitute “Thank you for understanding” the next time you need to duck out early to pick up your child or turn in something later than expected.

“I trust you”People perform

“I trust you”

People perform better when they’re supported and believed in, rather than micromanaged or overly questioned. 

Saying “I trust you” indicates fundamental confidence in the decisions and abilities of another person, allowing them to deliver results and build personal morale.

“I’m listening” / “I

“I’m listening” / “I hear you”

Do you feel more validated and valued when someone confirms you have their undivided attention with eye contact and an “I’m listening”?

It’s encouraging to know that not only are we being listened to, but we are also being heard and understood. Saying “I hear you” and “I understand” lets those around you know their perspective, ideas, and experiences are valid.

“What are your thoughts?

“What are your thoughts? Am I missing anything?”

High-EQ employees and leaders don’t censor ideas, steamroll feedback, or presume they know more than everyone else. 

Emotionally intelligent leaders are inclusive by nature and never stop looking for opportunities to bring the thoughts and views of others into a discussion. Proactively inviting and allowing meaningful contributions from others is one way to do this.

“Is everything OK?”Although you

“Is everything OK?”

Although you might be frustrated at a teammate for a missed deadline, exhibiting empathy and caring about others’ wellbeing is at the forefront of the emotionally intelligent workplace mind. 

If someone who is usually reliable isn’t performing up to expected standards, put disappointment aside and genuinely inquire about their wellbeing first.

“Tell me more”Effective communicators

“Tell me more”

Effective communicators don’t pretend they know things when they don’t or make another person feel stupid for not expressing themselves clearly. 

When that situation arises, emotionally intelligent communicators use inviting language like, “Tell me more” or “Can you say more about that?” to signal their commitment to the conversation and to gain clarity minus any judgment.

“I appreciate you”Taking it

“I appreciate you”

Taking it a step beyond “good job” facilitates stronger relationships down the road. 

Saying you appreciate the human being behind the work adds an extra layer of gratitude and connection. (If this is too far out of your comfort zone, start with its sister phrase, “I appreciate your work on this.”)


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