We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and The End of Compliance – Seth Godin

We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and The End of Compliance – Seth Godin
We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and The End of Compliance – Seth Godin

“We Are All Weird: The Myth of Mass and The End of Compliance” was published in 2011 and is about how the internet and modern society have changed the way people consume and interact with products and ideas. Godin argues that the traditional idea of mass appeal and conformity is no longer relevant and that individuals are now free to pursue their own interests and passions

The End of Mass Culture

The book argues that the era of mass culture is over, as the internet and other technological advances have made it possible for people to find and connect with like-minded individuals around the world. This means that businesses must focus on serving niche audiences rather than trying to appeal to everyone.

The End of Average

The book argues that the concept of average is becoming less relevant in modern society, as individuals are increasingly able to customize their experiences and products to their own needs and preferences. Businesses must adapt to this trend by offering more personalized products and services.

The Power of the Internet

The book emphasizes the role of the internet in driving the shift away from mass culture. The internet has made it possible for individuals to find and connect with others who share their interests, and for businesses to reach niche audiences with targeted marketing.

The Need for Adaptability

Finally, the book emphasizes the need for businesses and individuals to be adaptable in the face of constant change. The world is always evolving, and those who can adapt to new trends and technologies will be the ones who thrive in the long run.


The book argues that tribes, or groups of like-minded individuals, are becoming more important in modern society. By forming tribes, individuals can find support and connection with others who share their interests, and businesses can tap into these tribes to reach potential customers.

Embrace Your Weirdness

Godin encourages readers to embrace their own unique interests and passions, rather than trying to conform to the norms of society. By embracing their weirdness, individuals can find others who share their interests and form communities around them.

The Power of Storytelling

Godin emphasizes the importance of storytelling in marketing and business. By telling compelling stories, businesses can connect with their customers on an emotional level and create a sense of community around their brand.

The Importance of Authenticity

Godin stresses the importance of authenticity in modern marketing. Customers can easily detect when businesses are fake or insincere, so it’s important for businesses to be honest and transparent in their messaging and actions.

The Long Tail

The long tail refers to the idea that there is value in serving niche audiences, even if they are smaller than mass audiences. By serving a large number of niche audiences, businesses can potentially reach more people overall than by trying to appeal to everyone.

Permission Marketing

Godin’s concept of permission marketing involves gaining the consent of potential customers before marketing to them. This means that businesses should focus on building relationships with their customers and providing them with value, rather than bombarding them with unwanted advertising.
