When Crisis Management Becomes Conflict Management

When Crisis Management Becomes Conflict Management

When crisis morphs into conflict, the stakes rise. Navigating this complex terrain requires a nuanced understanding of both crisis and conflict management. Let's delve into the intricacies of this transformation and explore strategies for effective resolution.

The Big Split is a mental defense mechanism that allows us to tolerate difficult and unbearable emotions by resorting to black-or-white thinking

We identify others as either heroes or villains, good or bad, “with us” or “against us.”

Understanding the Big Split

The Big Split is a multi-layered mental conflict. Behind it lies a complex psychological cocktail: delayed gratification, feelings of injustice, and a race to fill the emotional vacuum created by years of living with restrictions.

Aim to reunite and reintegrate your relationships

Leaders must emphasize that it isn’t shameful to experience splitting, and that it’s okay to direct time and resources to resolve the fundamental conflicts.

Leading Through the Big Split

For leaders, the point is to recognize that this phase is not a collective sigh of relief and a joyous reunion, but rather one filled with conflict and confrontation

Moving on from the Big Split

The Big Split may be a passing phase – a spike of frustration and readjustment as we reengage with “normal” life.

Understand and monitor your own triggers

Realizing when you are falling prey to splitting, whether a little or a lot, and taking note of what triggers you to react in out-of-character ways is a good first step.

Spot splitting behavior in your teams and intervene

Call out splitting behavior as soon as you notice it playing out.


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