Why Community Is Your Best Growth Strategy for 2022

Why Community Is Your Best Growth Strategy for 2022

The reality is that buyers have nearly endless options in today’s market, and companies can’t rely strictly on features and pricing to win. A vibrant community not only serves as a defensive hedge against the competition but can also drive learning, innovation, and value. That’s why we’ve seen many IPOs in 2021 lead with their communities and show them as essential to their success.

What do you mean by “community”?

A support group, a networking forum, an open-source project, and even a tribe of rugby fans could all be considered a community

If you build it, will they come?

The first step in embracing the opportunity is to build a strategy that specifies how an organization will provide value to its members and then also derive value for itself

Community is not the same as marketing

Unlike traditional marketing, community building is about creating an environment so compelling that it naturally attracts people toward its center

A new playbook to build community

Early case studies show that when done well, a thriving community can be a means to boost a company’s growth efforts and its value in the public markets


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