A Tactical Guide to Managing Up: 30 Tips from the Smartest People We Know

A Tactical Guide to Managing Up: 30 Tips from the Smartest People We Know

Building a good relationship with your manager takes work. Managing up entails developing rapport and trust, communication style, decision-making, conflict management and goal-setting with higher-ups. Here are some tips for managing up:

Leave your assumptions at the door

Understand and communicate what success is for you and for your managers team

Hone your delivery for communication that comes through loud-and-clear

Open up about your “work love language.”

Share your impact the right way

Think self-service

Boost your chances of hearing ‘yes’ to your ask

Start leaving a breadcrumb trail

Build lasting rapport and trust

Start with the basics and get to know your manager on a personal level

Get comfortable with feedback (on both sides of the table)

Let positive feedback come through louder than your own doubts

Set the tone in your 1:1s

Create a doc to hit the most important points


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