Benefits vs Features: How to Capture and Keep Attention

Benefits vs Features: How to Capture and Keep Attention
Benefits vs Features: How to Capture and Keep Attention

Unravel the mystery of capturing and retaining attention in marketing. Delve into the intriguing comparison between benefits and features, and discover how to leverage these elements effectively. Prepare to redefine your marketing strategy with a fresh perspective.

One of the foundations of selling anything: Benefits and Features

You want to know how to offer your product in a way that more prospects are willing to buy

  • Increase your conversion rate
  • Know your product/service best
  • Understand the value of what you’re offering better than anyone
  • Combine that knowledge with the copywriting strategy

What are features?

Features describe what your product/service does and how it’s different from the competition

  • The Waking Up App has features that make it stand out
  • Different types of meditation available
  • Conversations with meditation experts
  • In-depth talks about mindfulness and meditation

When Should You Mention Features?

Features are best for saturated markets

  • When customers are already familiar with a product’s/service’s concept and benefits, they’ll start looking at features to differentiate one brand over another
  • Highlighting your features like lower pricing, menu configuration, dietary restrictions, and so forth can help your product/service break through the noise

What are benefits?

Features talk about what the product/service does.

  • Benefits focus on how it can be helpful to the target audience
  • People purchase things/services because they think it’s helpful to them, which is why most ads are benefit-focused

Clear messaging attracts attention

No one wants to be sold something-unless they find it useful

  • Your job is to effectively communicate how your product/service can make their lives better
  • When you know when to talk about your benefits and when to highlight your features, you will sell more
  • Generate sustainable income

The Key Difference

When customers decide to buy or not buy, they consider both benefits and features

  • Features help a product/service stand out
  • Once a customer is sold on the concept, they will start looking at options and ask, “Which meditation app is the best for me?”

When Should You Mention Benefits?

Benefit-focused messaging is particularly important when your offer is relatively new to the market or customers are unfamiliar with your brand.

  • Ask: How does your product/service make the customer’s life easier and better? How does it work?
