Beyond Metered Billing: 3 Ways to Employ Complex Usage-Based Pricing

Beyond Metered Billing: 3 Ways to Employ Complex Usage-Based Pricing

In 2000, Salesforce disrupted the software space by implementing usage-based pricing. Instead of the traditional flat-rate subscription model, they offered access to their software by charging customers on a per-user, per-month basis. But did you know this wasn’t the earliest instance of usage billing? Michelin too offered usage pricing all the way back in the 1920s.

Are Traditional Subscriptions Dead?

Usage-based pricing is here to stay

Level 3: Datadog employs usage galore with multiple usage-based pricing models

Price points include hosts, containers, custom metrics, devices, serverless functions, and an AWS Fargate task.

Events-Based Billing

Takes usage-based billing to another level by attributing your pricing metrics on real-time events happening within your application

Level 1: Mailgun charges per unit

Mailgun offers 4 tiers of usage-based pricing: Flex, Foundation, Growth, and Scale

Preparing for the Next Evolution in Pricing & Billing

For SaaS companies who have implemented usage-based pricing, the journey toward effective implementation of Events-Based Billing is halfway complete

Snowflake prices based on more than 1 variable

They charge customers based on 2 usage-based attributes: storage space and processing units consumed.


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