Copywriting 101: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Compelling Copy

Copywriting 101: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Compelling Copy
Copywriting 101: The Ultimate Guide for Creating Compelling Copy

Copywriting can refer to text on call-to-actions (CTAs), email copy, copy on social ads, and anything else that encourages users to make a purchase or convert. What makes it different from other types of content writing? Copywriting is goal-driven-its usual purpose is to get users to take a specific action

Use Compelling Words in Your Copy

These words help to persuade us into taking action, and that’s exactly what copywriters want.

  • Adding just a couple of these words to a pop-up has been shown to increase sign-ups by more than 400 percent.

Ask Readers Questions in Your Copy

Good copywriters often ask questions

  • It makes the process more collaborative and encourages the reader to connect the dots
  • The first goal of good copy is to get people engaged
  • Breaking up your copy with a question is an ideal way to achieve this

Get to Know Your Audience

Create a buyer persona, or a fictional representation of your ideal customer

  • Outline demographics, job title, location, age, and income level
  • Dig into customer data and look for customers with a high lifetime value or retention rate
  • What do current customers love about your offering?

How do you measure the success of your copywriting?

Copywriting success is measured by how many people take your desired action

  • This differs depending on the type of copy you’re writing, but the important thing is to have a clear goal and an understanding of how to measure performance against that goal

Test Your Copywriting

Copywriting is a process, and part of the process is figuring out what resonates with your prospective customers.

  • A/B test your copy
  • Test one or two element changes at most and see which drives the most conversions. Pick the most successful version, then test again and again.

Stress Your UVP (Unique Value Proposition)

Focus on why you are the right fit for your specific audience, not everyone and anyone.

  • You don’t have to be good at everything. Instead, focus on what sets you apart and explain why you stand out.

Use Copywriting That Solves Pain Points

Customers are looking for a solution to a problem, and those problems should be the main focus of your copy.

  • One of the most effective ways to find out about your customers’ pain points is by asking them. Create a survey and craft your copy around them.

SEO Copywriting

Get your content to rank highly on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

  • To rank highly, your content needs to deliver genuine value to users while mixing in a healthy amount of keywords and phrases.
  • Getting copy to rank well in the search engines is an art, but it’s one that businesses are investing big money in


Best for writing: analyzes your text as you write, pointing out spelling and grammar mistakes

  • Includes everything you need from the free plan
  • Suggestions for tone and style guides
  • Plug into apps you use
  • Pricing Free: No cost for the limited but still highly useful version
  • Premium: From $12 per month for more specific suggestions and increased capabilities
  • Business: $12.50 per month

Use Engaging Facts and Stats

They jump off the page and immediately tell a story.

  • Stats are extremely important in copy where you’ve got to encourage action in limited words.
  • Cold, hard stats can cut through the noise, and site visitors get the message immediately

Use Crisp Language

Every word must serve a purpose

  • If it doesn’t educate, stress a benefit, or build a connection, it needs to go
  • Substitute words like “just,” “maybe,” and “a little” with powerful words that drive action


Type the first thing that comes to your head and get suggestions on how to make it better

  • Instant rewrite suggestions
  • Shorten or expand suggestions (Paid).
  • Switch between formal and casual tones
  • Extensions for all the apps you use
  • Pricing Free: 10 rewrites per day
  • Premium: $9.99 per month for unlimited rewrite.

Brand Copywriting

70 percent of respondents say that brands should boost positivity and share positive stories

  • Brand copywriters go beyond the typical features and aim to create strong emotional responses
  • Creative copywriting is less about proving a brand is better than the competition and more about creating a memorable experience

Use Storytelling

Back your stories up with real-world data and examples

  • Storytelling is easier to remember than facts
  • People like telling stories to others, so they are more likely to pass the story on
  • A good story is timeless
  • You don’t have to tell the entire history of your story

Email Copywriting

The average ROI for email marketing is $36 per $1 spent

Leverage Social Proof

77 percent of people always read reviews before choosing a business, so if your copy doesn’t draw on social proof, it’s missing a crucial element.

  • Use social proof to inspire your copywriting
  • Reviews and customer surveys can help you understand what customers love about your product
  • Including social proof near copy: Add reviews and case studies to landing pages, homepages, and your website to strengthen your copy

What’s the difference between copywriting and content marketing?

Copywriting is written text that’s used to inform and encourage people to take action

Use the Right Tone

Tone, or the attitude you use, gives your writing far more context than just the words you choose. It tells prospective customers whether you are fun-loving, serious, quirky, or highly professional.

  • The tone makes the copy unique; it makes you listen.

Repeat Key Information

You probably don’t want to say the same thing over and over 30 times in your copy, but you do want to keep repeating key information.

  • Focus on the ideas that matter most to your target audience and repeat them naturally to make them fit naturally into the text.

Insight Copywriting

Establish your brand as an industry authority

Social Media Copywriting

As a brand, your goal is to engage audiences through posts and ads

  • Adapt your brand messaging to a variety of unique formats
  • The copy you write for a post on Facebook should not be identical to the copy on a TikTok or Instagram post

How Does Copywriting Differ from Content Marketing?

Copywriting is content directly aimed at getting users to take a certain action. It’s usually found in ads, CTAs, and product descriptions.

  • Content marketing can have different goals. It focuses on less direct goals, like educating, amusing, or building brand awareness.

What Is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the goal of getting users to take a specific action

  • Ideally, a brand’s copy drives sales and conversions while also creating meaningful experiences for its target audience
  • The features, benefits, and price of a product help determine whether a consumer is willing to convert. Copy is the way you communicate these aspects and your value to your potential customers


A data-driven copywriting platform that allows users to create and optimize marketing copy for a variety of channels

  • Analyzes billions of data points to provide you with insights on your copy
  • Predictive performance score
  • Custom keywords
  • Content identification
  • Different copywriting types
  • Pricing Free: Up to 1,000 words per month
  • Data-driven basics: $99 per month; unlimited words ($239 per month billed annually)

Why Is Copywriting Important?

Quality copy is critical for making sales.

How to Copywrite: Copywriting Strategies

Even with the best copywriting software, you still need the human element

Conclusion: Copywriting

Copywriting is an essential part of digital marketing. With the right focus, copywriting is something you can learn to do well, and these tips and tools should help.

  • Put this newfound skill to work for your own business, or you can get paid to do it for others.

Tools for Copywriters

Modern technology can be a huge help

  • 43 percent of marketers believe that more than half of all marketing tasks will be intelligently automated in the next five years
  • Here are some of the tools you should consider to make your copywriting more efficient
