Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead – Scott Adams

Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead – Scott Adams

“Cubicles That Make You Envy the Dead” is a collection of Dilbert comic strips that satirize life in the modern workplace. The title of the book refers to the drab and soul-crushing nature of many office environments, as portrayed through the experiences of Dilbert and his coworkers.

The Dilbert Principle

The Dilbert Principle is the idea that the least competent employees are promoted to management, resulting in a top-heavy organization where decisions are made by those with the least expertise. This principle is a recurring theme in the book and is satirized through the character of Dilbert’s boss, who is often clueless and ineffective.

The insanity of corporate culture

The book critiques the absurdities of corporate culture, where employees are expected to conform to rigid norms and behave in certain ways in order to fit in. This can result in bizarre rituals, such as mandatory team-building exercises or company-wide email chains that serve no real purpose.

The folly of micromanagement

Micromanagement is a frequent target of satire in the book, with Dilbert’s boss frequently attempting to control every aspect of his employees’ work. This results in a stifling work environment where creativity and innovation are discouraged.

The absurdity of corporate jargon

Finally, the book pokes fun at the often-baffling jargon and buzzwords that are prevalent in corporate culture. Phrases such as “synergize” and “think outside the box” are lampooned for their meaninglessness and obfuscation.

The ineffectiveness of HR

Human Resources departments are often portrayed in the book as ineffective and bureaucratic, more concerned with following procedures than with helping employees. Dilbert and his coworkers frequently have to deal with HR representatives who are unhelpful or outright hostile.

The Peter Principle

Related to the Dilbert Principle, the Peter Principle states that employees are promoted to their level of incompetence. This means that once an employee reaches a position where they are no longer competent, they will remain in that position rather than being demoted. The Peter Principle is also a common target for satire in the book.

The rise of technology

As technology has become increasingly important in the workplace, Dilbert and his coworkers have to deal with the challenges of staying up-to-date and adapting to new tools and systems. The book pokes fun at the frequent failures and glitches that occur with technology, as well as the tendency of management to blindly adopt new technology without fully understanding its implications.

The struggle for work-life balance

Dilbert and his coworkers often struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance, with work frequently encroaching on personal time and causing stress and burnout. The book highlights the challenges of balancing the demands of work with the need for personal time and relaxation.

The tyranny of meetings

Many of the comic strips in the book poke fun at the seemingly endless series of meetings that Dilbert and his coworkers are forced to attend. These meetings often accomplish very little, and are depicted as a waste of time and resources.

Office politics

The book highlights the prevalence of office politics, where employees engage in backstabbing, sabotage, and other underhanded tactics to advance their careers. Dilbert and his coworkers are often caught in the middle of these power struggles, and are forced to navigate the treacherous waters of corporate politics.


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