How to Develop an Access Control Policy

How to Develop an Access Control Policy

An access control policy is the planned operational and strategic foundation of all the best access control systems, and it’s also a fundamental managerial responsibility. Learn why you need one, how to create one, and what it should include. Access control policies are an important element of a business’s access control system.

An Access Control Policy

An access control policy documents and specifies the resources that permanent and temporary employees, management, contractors, business partners, and customers can access

What should be included in an access control policy?

Building access – including specific areas like R&D labs, warehousing, shipping docks, every lockable door, utility rooms for phones and electrical panels, parking lots, food preparation areas, storage areas, server rooms, computer system facilities, executive offices, and even desk-level lockable drawers

Models and Mechanisms

Models are a step between creating a policy and implementing it

How do you determine access?

Determining access is more complex than “the higher you are, the more you have.”

Why do you need an access control policy?

Smart business practices require predictability, risk management, regulatory compliance and process controls


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