How to Get People to Actually Listen to Your Podcast

How to Get People to Actually Listen to Your Podcast
How to Get People to Actually Listen to Your Podcast

Podcasts are as ubiquitous now as personal blogs were in the early 2000s. But they present their hosts with the same issue bloggers had back then: You can overshare or create brilliant content-but is anybody listening? There are ways to make your podcast stand out in the sea of audio offerings.

Make sure your podcast has quality content

You have to feature content that people care about

  • Listeners want value
  • Rob Goodman, executive producer of Wix’s “Now What?” podcast
  • “People want to laugh, and all good jokes contain truth.”
  • listeners also want access-access to people or insights that they do not come across in their everyday lives.

Promoting your podcast across platforms

Consider cross-platform promotion to secure the greatest number of fans

  • Have a unified voice and brand that extends beyond the audio waves and into the copy, visual identity, and social media assets that reach listeners in the communities they occupy online
  • Network and ask other people producing similar shows to collaborate

Perfecting your podcasting voice

You don’t have to alter your voice like a telecaster in the 1950s or talk about topics you don’t understand to get an audience

  • What you really have to do is talk about things you do know and do care about
  • Stay true to yourself and your audience will grow as you grow
  • People don’t want to hear anything that isn’t genuine

Release episodes on a consistent schedule

It’s easy to put off things you need to do, from changing a lightbulb to recording your podcast. Do not put it off.

  • If you have listeners, give them content consistently
  • Make a shooting schedule, and stick to it
