How to Get Useful Data From Losing and Inconclusive A/B Tests

How to Get Useful Data From Losing and Inconclusive A/B Tests

What do you do if a variation you thought would rock ends up flopping? Or what if your test results are inconclusive? Don’t throw in the towel just yet! There’s a ton you can do with inconclusive or losing A/B testing data. We’ll cover how to put that information to good use.

Why A/B Testing Is Crucial to Digital Marketing Success

Helps marketers understand the impact of optimization methods

Try Something Really Different

Inconclusive test results could mean your variations are too close

Look Beyond Your Core Metrics

You might have hidden data in your losing test results

A/B testing

Shows different visitors different versions of the same online asset, such as an ad, social media post, website banner, hero image, landing page, or CTA button. The goal is to better understand which version results in more conversions, ROI, sales, or other metrics important to your business.

How Do I Know If I Have a Losing or Inconclusive A/B Test?

You’ll see the results in your own data dashboard or in the testing tool you use

Are A/B tests better than multivariate tests?

One is not better than the other, but they are used for different purposes

6 Ways to Leverage Data From Losing or Inconclusive A/B Testing

Don’t assume your test failed. There are plenty of steps you can take to leverage that data

Run Your A/B Tests Again

The goal is to continuously improve your site’s performance, performance, ads, or content

What are the best A/B testing tools?

There are a wide range of testing tools that can be used to test different aspects of your business


Make the most of Losing or Inconclusive A/B Testing

Analyze Different Traffic Segments

Try segmenting the audience to see if different people responded differently

Remove Junk Data

Sometimes tests are inconclusive not because your variations were terrible or your testing was flawed, but because there’s a bunch of junk data skewing your results.

Look for Biases and Get Rid of Them

Biases are external factors impacting the results of your test.


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