Initial DEX offering (IDO): A beginner’s guide on launching a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange

Initial DEX offering (IDO): A beginner’s guide on launching a cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange

The maturation of the cryptocurrency industry as a whole has led to the creation of the initial DEX offering (IDO), one of many creative fundraising approaches. But the first fundraising approach in crypto was the initial coin offering (ICO), which in 2017 generated a lot of ill will.

What is an initial DEX offering?

IDO is a fundraising approach that pools investment capital from retail investors

How do crypto IDOs work?

DEXs work because they can provide immediate token liquidity.

Launch the token to start raising funds immediately

The project team generates a token pool

How to launch an IDO

Plan the token offering to be released over a DEX by creating a strategy that makes sense

Differences and similarities between an ICO and an IDO

Unlike ICOs, IDOs do not require the token issuers to pay fees to any intermediary.

Create marketing collateral

At the very least, marketing collateral for an IDO launch includes a website and a white paper

Step 4: Create the cryptocurrency

Anyone with a little technical savvy and decent marketing skills can figure out how to launch a crypto coin.


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