How The Best Small Businesses Deal With Competition (And You Should Too)

How The Best Small Businesses Deal With Competition (And You Should Too)

Your small business is faced with a financially strong competitor, they can influence market prices as they see fit, and they have the latest technology on their side. What do you do? Imagine a phone with no social media; no internet and no applications trying to compete in a market where iPhones exist.

Competitive Advantage

Competitive advantage refers to factors that allow your companies to produce goods or services better or more cheaply than their rivals

Identifying Your Unique Selling Point

What is the one thing you do better than anyone else?

Serving Your Customers and Earning Their Trust

Address the customer’s pain point, ensure they stay true to their company’s goal, and ensure that their customers trust the company

Knowing Your Competition

Find out who your competition is, what they have that you don’t, and what you have that they don’t. The answers you get will form a major part of your competitive strategy.

Knowing Your Customers

Influence customer bias by keying into something they already like


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