What are the fundamental habits of successful relationships?

What are the fundamental habits of successful relationships?

Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings, the co-founders of Soulmates Academy, share their observations from over 20 years of experience working with countless couples.

They reveal the four fundamental habits that all successful relationships display and discuss the significant impact of these habits on the health and longevity of relationships.

The four essential habits of successful relationships

Successful relationships universally display four fundamental habits: being curious not critical, being careful not crushing, asking rather than assuming, and connecting before correcting.

These habits serve as a guide to navigate the common hurdles that arise in relationships such as unmet expectations, poor conflict resolution, trust and respect issues, and communication problems.

The impact of lacking these habits

Relationships that lack one or more of these four habits often fail, leading to frustration and separation.

The consequent divorce rates and family breakdowns have significant negative impacts on the mental health of both adults and children, highlighting the importance of cultivating these habits.

The role of perception and communication

Differences in perceptions of respect can pose major challenges in relationships.

Habit number three, asking instead of assuming, encourages open and courageous conversations.

This helps to avoid misunderstandings and stereotypes, thereby building trust and respect.

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