The ultimate guide to virtual assistants and delegation by Tim Ferris and Sam Crocos

The ultimate guide to virtual assistants and delegation by Tim Ferris and Sam Crocos

The ultimate guide to virtual assistants and delegation by Tim Ferris and Sam Crocos

Sam Corcos, CEO and Co-founder of Levels, shares insights on effective delegation, organizational transparency, the importance of communication, and the role of biosensors in personal health management.

He also delves into his minimalist lifestyle and draws parallels between the Constitution and company building.

The importance of onboarding for virtual assistants

Effective onboarding is crucial for integrating virtual assistants successfully.

Clear expectations and good processes are key, with proactivity being an important trait to seek in virtual assistants.

If you have one bad experience, don’t assume that you can’t have a good one. – Sam Corcos

The goal of wearing a biosensor where you’re literally measuring molecules in your body is — this is the ground truth… you can make your own decisions. – Sam Corcos